“I have been praying for Willy Paul” Gloria Muliro
Gloria Muliro has revealed that she has been praying for Willy Paul especially now that he is currently doing secular music.
Speaking for the first time since Willy Paul quit gospel music; Gloria Muliro told Milele FM that she has been praying and hoping the young Willy Paul finds himself before it is late.

“Kama mama mzazi nampenda na bado namwombea,”
Gloria who has been missing in action for a while now said that despite everything; she still loves Willy Paul as a person and so does God.
But do I love him as a person? Yes. Na Mungu anampenda? Yes!”
Working with Willy Paul
When asked about working with Willy Paul, the female singer opened up saying that she would first have to talk to him before hitting the studios to release a new song.

Nafikiri tutajadiliana kidogo because kama mama mlei kazi yangu ni kulea; na kazi ingine ya mlezi ni kutoa makosa mahali makosa iko na kurekebisha kwa hiyo lazima tutajadiliana kidogo ama sana ndio kama wimbo ingine itafanyika lazima tutakuwa na mjadiliano.
Advice to the young people
According to Gloria Muliro most of these young celebrities on social media flaunt a fake lifestyle! Therefore Gloria Muliro’s advice to the young people is to keep still and accept themselves as they are instead of living a lie.
Wacha nikuambia, kila mtu ako special. Tofauti ni vile baadhi wetu wako kwa TV na kwa radio, tunaonekana. Lakini hakuna haja kujiweka mahali ambapo hauwezi kusustain.
She went on to conclude saying;
Ni vizuri niwaambie hao vijana, ishi tu maisha yako; kiwango chako. Of course baraka zinakuja. Mungu hutuinua viwango. Ni vizuri kuishi kile kiwango unaweza, halafu ukiaminia Mungu kukusongesha kiwango kingine.