
“I have always known how bright your star is!” Heartily, Ken Mijungu informs Victoria Rubadiri

KTN journalist Ken Mijungu shared a heartfelt message for his former colleague Victoria Rubadiri, who recently made the transition from Citizen TV to international broadcaster CNN.


Victoria Rubadiri Joins CNN With A New Role

Mijungu expressed his pride in Rubadiri’s achievements, recalling how he always believed in her potential, even during their time together at NTV.

“I’ve always known your star was very bright,” he affirmed, congratulating her on her new journey.


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Adding a touch of humor, Mijungu shared a funny anecdote from their time on set together, reminiscing about the time Rubadiri mispronounced his name as “MenKijungu” instead of Ken Mijungu during a live broadcast.

He concluded his message by sharing throwback photos of their time together at NTV, emphasizing the importance of looking back to see how far they’ve come.


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Meanwhile, CNN International correspondent Larry Madowo also extended a warm welcome to Rubadiri, celebrating her as she embarks on her new role at CNN.

Joining Madowo in congratulating Rubadiri were other celebrities such as Betty Kyallo, Mashirima Kapombe, Chef Ali Mandhry, Jamila Mohamed, Lillian Muli, Smriti Vidyarthi, and Willis Raburu.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
