
I gave up being the typical single mum – Victoria Rubadiri speaks single parenting

Celebrated Kenyan journalist, Victoria Rubadiri graced motherhood at barely 18 years of age and following that, she had to give up certain stereotypes about being a single mom.

The Citizen TV news anchor was just a teen, but already responsible with a young baby girl who looked up to her as a mom.

There were certain stereotypes that came with being a mom at her age and at the time.

Renowned TV journalist, Victoria Rubadiri

During her recent interview on Double X Agenda the proud mum of one admitted that with single parenthood and still young, she had to give up a lot.

Also read : https://www.ghafla.co.ke/ke/%c2%a8you-healed-me-with-your-unconditional-love%c2%a8-victoria-rubadiri-pens-emotional-tribute-to-her-teen-daughter-who-made-her-worthy-to-be-called-a-mom/

What stood out most for her, was giving up the popular tag ‘typical single mom’.

You know a lot of times, the first thing that kind of jumps into someone’s mind could be a thing,or a lifestyle – my social life etc. And I think for me because I got pregnant young and I fell into the stereotypical definition of a single young mom.For me, what I had to let go of, was that tag… of ‘typical single mum’.

Giving it up had nothing to do with what people would think or perceive of her, rather, just for her own sake and mental sanity.

Victoria Rubadiri

It was through the choices she made, that would redefine her till date.

And letting go of that stereotype, not for just other people in society, but for me. So I made a conscious decision early on, that I will not be that and as a result, the choices I would make, to who I am now, basically determined that.


Mother’s Day

Vicky is a single mom to a 15 year old grown daughter who one would mistake for a sibling.

The 33 year-old beauty could not thank her mom enough for the input, the support, the guidance and her motherly presence that always gave her hope of a better tomorrow.

Citizen TV news presenter, Victoria Rubadiri

On Sunday, the TV girl flaunted her generation’s articulate yet seamless genes that blessed the world with three gorgeous beauties.

Ms Rubadiri could never be more proud of her teen daughter who has taken up life like a Queen.

Three generations right here. The woman who gave me life, shaped it and even to this day guides it. My mini-me who is more than holding her own at 15 years old. I’m so proud to call them mine. Here’s to motherhood, love and life. Happy Mother’s Day????

Vicky Rubadiri with mom (left) and daughter (center)

About this writer:

Gloria Katunge
