
Huddah Monroe wows Cyprian Nyakundi and his boy child brigade with her new year resolutions

Cyprian Nyakundi is totally opposed to any form of exploitation of the boy child. Huddah Monroe’s new year resolutions are in line with Nyakundi’s preaching.

Boy child defender warns against men spending on ladies who are not their wives. Nyakundi has been running a campaign aimed at flashing out materialistic ladies.

Cyprian Nyakundi

The blogger argues both men and women should equally shoulder the burden of their relationships in as far as money is involved. Do me i do you kinda of relationship.

2018 is a year of reciprocating

Huddah Monroe has vowed to spoil her man/men come 2018. The socialite says her new year resolution is to spend on her sweetheart and treat him like a lady.

Huddah Monroe

“Buy HIM food, play with HIS hair, take HIM out on a date, Suck HIS Titties! ….. 2018 We reciprocating ladies. ?
#StarGal⭐️,” wrote Huddah Monroe.


About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere
