
Huddah: I rather sleep comfortably in my bed rather than get peanuts from these promoters 

The reason why you haven’t been seeing socialite Huddah Monroe in a club near you is because she charges more than what Kenyan promoters can pay.

The socialite took to social media to share that promoters are using entertainers, a reason why she’s not being accepting club offers that pay way too low.

Pay me

Several times, Huddah has expressed her anger towards promoters saying she doesn’t even respond to their emails because their offers don’t make sense.

“I no longer do club hostings coz my rate card went way up there…and most promoters like to shortchange a nigga…so for peanuts I’d rather sleep comfortably in my bed than hop onto a flight to go receive ya pocket change. Hope we clear??” She said. 


“I’d rather people say I’m not making moves than me making oppressive moves just to be seen or look like I’m winning. There’s a time for sowing and a time for reaping…”


About this writer:

Pauline Syombua

Content Developer IG: Kermbua
