How Frankie Just Gym It’s romantic proposal to Corazon Kwamboka went down (Video)
Just a few days ago Corazon Kwamboka announced that baby daddy Frankie Just Gym it had proposed; and the fact that she chose to paraded the ring without a background story; many thought mmmh…same storyline just different cast, right?
However turns out that there was a romantic side of the proposal that went down in Zanzibar; the same vacation Corazon is believed to have paid for. Which leaves men wondering, why do most people tend to assume Frankie is financially struggling?

Last I checked, these gym instructors actually make some good especially as personal trainers…ask around and you’ll see.
Romantic proposal
Anyway just like every young ladies dream, Frankie got to proposal at the beach; and from the video looks like Corazon wasn’t really something of this sort to go down.
I know you’ll say she bought the ring for Frankie to proposal and even paid for the venue; but truth is…her body language says this was a well arranged surprise that even had a camera man; to capture the beautiful moments.

With Frankie asking for Corazon’s hand in marriage; we are now counting weeks, probably months, years (No?) before the two walk down the aisle.
But with two babies with Corazon…would Frankie really opt out last minute? Let’s ask Maureen Waititu But honestly let’s hope this relationship will end up in a church/garden/AG wedding.
I mean, the guy has 4 kids now…no more Mr ‘I am hand and can steal your girl’….and take her where, father of nations?