
How Elsa Majimbo Discovered Her Boyfriend’s Infidelity

Image: Elsa Majimbo

Elsa Majimbo shared on TikTok that during the summer of 2022, a friend hinted that her boyfriend was cheating on her.

“She told me, ‘I’m quite sure your boyfriend is cheating on you.’ She had no proof, but I believed her immediately.”

Majimbo confronted her boyfriend, who denied the allegations and accused Majimbo’s friend of lying.


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“His friends were calling me, saying my friend was a liar. I still believed her even though she had no proof.”

A few months later, proof emerged that confirmed the infidelity.

“The proof actually came out. She (Majimbo’s friend) got screenshots from the girl’s phone and sent them to me.”

Majimbo advised prioritizing friends over boyfriends.

“You will have many boyfriends, but if you let them get in the way of your friends, that’s not someone who is truly for you. Any real boyfriend who loves you would get along with your friends.”

She emphasized that a boyfriend should not ask a girlfriend to choose between him and her friends.

Previously, the comedienne claimed she only dates rich men.

“I don’t know if it’s my type or just coincidental, but even when I was flat broke, my boyfriend was loaded.”


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Majimbo also described different types of rich men in the dating world.

“The playboy; they usually have a new pretty girl every other two weeks. I never date them; they are usually my friends. They are nice to the women they date but never call after a week or two. However, they usually have this one girl they are actually in love with.”

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
