
How bad Juja Road is making it difficult for boda riders to sleep

Boda boda operators and residents of Kimbo in Juja, Kiambu County, are venting their frustration over the deplorable condition of a six-kilometer road, claiming that it has significantly affected their daily lives due to the discomfort caused by rough rides.

Protesters, including Tuk Tuk operators, staged a demonstration, blocking the Kimbo-Matangini road with burning tires and stones for over two hours. They squarely blame local leaders, specifically accusing MP George Koimburi and Kiambu Governor Kimani Wamatangi of neglecting the road’s condition and failing to fulfill promises of improvements.

Paul Ndung’u, a boda boda operator, emphasized the road’s dire state persisting for over four years, adversely impacting their relationships.

“For us boda boda operators, it is affecting our marital lives as our women suspect we have other affairs since most of us get home very tired and go straight to sleep,” he stated.

According to www.everydayhealth.com, there is a strong connection between sleep deprivation and a less-than-satisfactory sex life. A study involving 827 men revealed that those who snored the most often had the least satisfying sex lives, even though their sexual function was not impaired. Addressing issues that hinder proper sleep, such as snoring or insufficient sleep, can contribute to an improved sex life.

The same article highlights that Chronic Fatigue Syndrome can also play a role in reducing libido. This condition, often at its worst by the end of the day, can lead to a significant decrease in energy levels and result in tired sex.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
