
Househelp charged for defiling employer’s 5-year old son

A 30-year-old Ugandan woman was charged with defiling her employer’s 5-year-old son in Nairobi.

Grace Akware was accused of defiling the child, identified as CSM, after picking him up from school on August 31. The alleged incident took place inside the child’s bedroom at his parents’ house.

Akware is accused of undressing the child and putting him on the bed, before allegedly defiling him. The child later disclosed the incident to his siblings and parents, who reported it to the police.

Akware denied the charges when she appeared in court, but was remanded in custody pending a pre-bail report. The report will be tabled on September 22nd, when the court will set bail and bond terms for Akware.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
