
Homophobia is stupid! Pst. Kanyari declares

Popular city preacher Pastor Victor Kanyari recently addressed criticism regarding his interaction with self-proclaimed Kenyan gay socialite Chokuu during a TikTok live session. In response to backlash, Kanyari asserted his stance of non-judgment towards members of the LGBTQ+ community, emphasizing his belief that only God has the authority to pass judgment.


The controversial pastor Victor Kanyari is using TikTok to look for a wife.

Expressing his refusal to harbor hatred or condemnation towards individuals based on their sexual orientation, Kanyari firmly stated, “You want me to hate everyone just because someone is gay? I should be like those pastors advocating for the killing of lesbians? I do not kill people, I don’t judge people, and I will never judge.”

Highlighting the role of prayer and guidance rather than condemnation, Kanyari emphasized that his duty was to pray for individuals and leave judgment to God. He adamantly rejected the idea of hating someone due to their profession or sexual orientation, denouncing such attitudes as primitive and contrary to God’s teachings.


Popular homosexual influencer Chokuu flirts with Pastor Kanyari

“I will not entertain negativity on my page,” Kanyari declared, rebuffing calls for hatred towards individuals based on their orientation. He urged those promoting hate to seek guidance elsewhere, criticizing the hypocrisy of individuals who project holier-than-thou attitudes while perpetuating negativity.

In conclusion, Kanyari affirmed his commitment to fostering positivity and understanding, urging detractors to refrain from spreading hate on his platform.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
