
Here’s how you can tell Diana Marua is genuinely content with Bahati

Image: Diana Marua

Diana Marua and Bahati are genuinely happy with each other and no, I am not saying this because of all the lovey-dovey captions she posts or because of all the publicity stunts she and her husband keep getting upto.

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It is easy to tell she is content because she is now sharing all the dark, leary details of her past and the nonsense she got up to. You see, Diana Marua had a storied past before she got involved with Bahati. She has been linked to advertising executives, footballers and other celebrities including radio personalities.

Diana Marua
Diana Marua enjoying her new car

One would assume that with such a record of past dalliances, she would be willingly open about her history. She has in the recent past been open about having sponsors and being a veritable socialite in the understanding Kenyans have of that term. She was a heaux in her younger days -which is saying much given she is older than Bahati.

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When she met her current husband, he pursued the relationship with her in spite of everything his peers, his friends and foes within the contemporary gospel fraternity had to say. He chose to ignore all the naysayers. As far as Diana Marua is concerned though, she is with the man who is her best current option so her hypergamy is sated.

Diana Marua
Nahati and his wife Diana Marua all loved up

And she is feeling not just content but secure in her knowledge that Bahati is not going to up and change things. She knows she has him and he too is content. So she can open up and lay bare the sins of her past.

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This is the strongest statement of just how happy and content she is being by Bahati’s side. She is able to discuss her past indiscretions and all the sordid details because she knows her husband doesn’t worry about her returning to her old ways. She trusts him that much.

Diana Marua
Celebrity power couple Diana Marua and Bahati

You have to ask yourself whether your spouse has this level of trust in you and your union. Afterall, unless she was a virgin when you met, you cannot speak for her past with any measure of certainty. And as you ponder this thought that Diana Marua has occasioned about your partner, you have to answer that little nagging voice that asks whether or not you really want to know all of your partner’s past indiscretions.

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Are you ready to be in a position, like Bahati where you get to know everything about how your wife would become vicious when she was around other men, some of whom you know and other whom you are definitely sure are better men than you? Diana Marua trust that her gospel star is willing to know. Why? Well, again, because she’s content in her marriage.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
