
Here’s a list of counties that will experience power outages today, Friday

Kenya Power has announced planned power outages across three counties for system maintenance on Friday. The scheduled interruptions will occur at various times between 8 am and 5 pm, affecting areas in Kisii, Migori, and Nyeri.

In Kisii, power will be interrupted from 9 am to 5 pm in Botori SDA, Nyanchwa Police Station, Nyanchwa East, Nyanchwa Complex, Kisii Treasury, Kisii Stadium, and surrounding areas.

In Migori, affected areas from 9 am to 5 pm include Rinya Centre, Manyatta Secondary, parts of Awendo Town, Awendo Shell, Awendo Sub County Hospital, Siany, Aorojope, Awendo Water Company, Vuma Factory, Saka, and parts of Mariwa.

Nyeri will experience power interruptions from 8 am to 5 pm in the following areas: Wamagana, Uithirandu, Wamagana Booster, Wamagana Constituency Offices, Stainer Academy, and Kwa Joseph. Additional areas affected include Kirigu C/Fact, Gatina, Gakuyu Secondary School, Gatina Village, Mukangu Dispensary, Mukangu Mukangu C/Fact, Karembu Village, Matira-Ini Village, Mungetho, Ihiga Village, Kieni C/Factory, Kiamabara, Kagumo-Ini C/Fact, Gathugu C/Fact, Gathugu, Mt. Carmel Secondary School, Munengere Village, Gaturiri C/Fact, Kahara Village, Karogoto, Ngunguru Secondary School, Kahiga Village, Kiambachi Village, Ngunguru C/Fact, Ngurumo Dispensary, Maingirano Village, Thamaru Village, and Safaricom and Airtel Boosters.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
