
Heartbreaking photos of Meru University student leader shot dead by police in cold blood in a sweet potato farm

The life of Evans Njoroge was cut short when police executed him on Tuesday February 27th. The Meru University student leader was advocating for fee reduction when he met his end.

Students at Meru University of Science and Technology on Tuesday took to the streets to demand reduction of school fees by Kes 8,500 and improvement of the versity’s infrastructure.

Police were called in to disperse the protesting students and they used live bullets to do so. Evans Njoroge was killed as a police officer pursued him.

Evans Njoroge (wearing a coat)
Shot in close range

Several witnesses say the police officer who shot Evans aimed to kill. The student leader died instantly after he was shot in the head at close range.

“The students came running and some entered through our main gate before disappearing into the farm. The police officer who was driving the vehicle came out and demanded to know where the students were. It is then that they spotted one of them (Njoroge) hiding under a tree. He shot at him as he was trying to run away,” a witness told Daily Nation.

The killer police officer is well-known to the locals. The witness further reveals the the policeman returned to the vehicle and drove off after killing Evans.

Evans’ lifeless body lay in the potato farm until 5pm when a contingent of police overpowered protesting students and locals and took it away to Miathene Sub County Hospital mortuary.

The body of Evans Njoroge’s lying in a sweet potato farm




About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere
