“He visits the children while drunk” Jemutai shares more dirt on Prof Hamo
3 years ago Jemutai denied having a relationship with Hamo shortly after a blogger outed that the two already have a child together. Since it wasn’t the best time -especially with both their careers doing so well; they didn’t want to have their lives investigated by gossip tabloids.
Baby number 1 happened and then there was the second born who is a stunning little girl and surprisingly looks everything like her dad. Her arrival however came with challenges, that is judging from the story told by Jemutai’s friend.

After welcoming the second child; Jemutai says this is when Prof Hamo started pulling the deadbeat dad move. According to mother of two, the fella stopped visiting the children and was not paying rent where his kids were living.
By this time she was however jobless and helpless since Jemutai had already quit Churchill show – to avoid scandals and being exposed by her colleagues.

Drunk and irresponsible dad
However according to Prof Hamo, his wife back in Nakuru always makes sure that his other two kids (from Jemutai) are well taken care of. Who speaks like that?
With his post, it appears that Hamo angered his baby mama Jemutai who in response called him out for lying; and above all neglecting his children. According to the lady, Hamo last visit to his kids was in April when he pulled up at 2AM, drunk and disorderly. She wrote;
The last time Hamo aliona watoto that is Jeremy and Kayleewas in October last year before he moved out from then he has only appeared in my house 4 times all at night earliest was 10PM and last month he appeared at 2AM all the times he comes drunk as hell.
she went on to add;
Watoto wagani hukuwa awake at 2AM in the morning. The man shows up bila ata maziwa the only time he came with something was the last visit na alileta only 2 Oreos.
someone in her circle