“He didn’t deserve it,” Grace Ekirapa opens up on her failed wedding (Video)
Despite serving an every woman’s dream of a perfect marriage, Grace Ekirapa had two chances into marriage, but took none of it.
The sassy NTV show host and Gospel Minister had one wedding scheduled for 2017 after a four-year relationship before hoping into another in 2018, that sank in quick sand.

Opening up on the fateful turn of events, Ms Ekirapa admitted that her first relationship, one that she was so entangled in love with, one she had put in all the resources she could afford, just never got to see the light of day.
This saw her world collapse, it became dark for her, days no longer made sense and she just could not come to terms with the breakup.
In 2017 I went through a very rough rough rough breakup. Something I was in for 4 years, heading to marriage. I got into like a Zombie mode.

Because of that, she quickly slipped into another relationship.
Second chance
From an engagement, into a traditional wedding then a prospective church wedding best explains her second short-lived relationship.
I got into another relationship the same year and had my marriage planned on my birth date April 27, 2018. I got engaged in February, in March had my traditional wedding with over 400 people.

Soon after, she realized she was marrying her best friend not because she loves him, but because she was here to revenge her past.
…then I realized I was getting into a huge mistake, something I didn’t think through and I don’t think God had purposed for me. I realized I was going to hurt someone who didn’t deserve it, it was like a rebound out of pain, I wanted to prove to people I can get married.
A week after officiating their relationship, things started going south, Grace kept her distance from her to-be-husband.

She had gone into isolation, asking God for two options: the ability to love this guy or the courage to say goodbye.
The week after my traditional wedding I told God I cannot lie to him, took a break, didn’t talk to my guy and meditated. I asked God to either give me love to show him or the confidence to go break it off.
Ekirapa knew that if she married her best friend, she would only be hurting her good friend.
…he didn’t deserve it. I called him back, asked him to meet me and I broke it off and all hell broke lose. I received backlash, got called all kinds of names, no one understood me. That time I was really hurt, no one cared. I stayed in my house for a whole week crying, not sleeping not eating.