Have you got kids in school? Here’s seven great reasons why a Co-op Pre-paid Card is a good idea!
The Co-op Prepaid Card is a new revolutionary cashless way to escape the perils of handling hard cash.
Despite the health risks cash brings, there’s also a myriad of other risks: loss due to theft or misplacement, it’s harder to account for or track expenses, et al.
For students going back to school, the risks are doubled. This card solves the perennial stress of constantly worrying about your kids in college and high school.
The pickle in the pie is that one doesn’t require to be a Co-op Bank client to enjoy the benefits of the Pre-paid card.
Whichever your choice of bank is, all one has to do is walk into the nearest Co-op Bank branch and sign up for the card, and your child’s needs are handled.
What are the benefits of a Co-op Bank Prepaid card?
- No need for your child to carry loads of pocket money as they head to school, you can simply load it in the Co-op Prepaid card which is safer than carrying cash..
- The student will be able to pay for items at their school canteens at No Extra cost.
- Parents will be able to track their students sending by getting a Mini statement of the card at a Co-op Kwa Jirani agent or via SMS alerts
- You no longer need to travel all the way to the school to hand over money to your child, you can simply load the card at any Co-op Kwa Jirani agent..
- The students are also able to withdraw money using the card from any Co-op ATMs or Co-op Kwa Jirani agents outside school.
- You don’t need an account witph Co-op bank to enjoy the benefits of the card
- No extra charges will be incurred in transactions using the card.
Visit the nearest Co-op Bank branch to learn more about the Prepaid card, or, click here.