
“Have mercy please I’ve just lost my dad” Mishi Dorah begs Pierra Makena to drop the lawsuit

Mishi Dorah was forced to drop the ‘don’t care’ attitude after she received a letter from Pierra Makena’s legal team. The Nairobi Diaries actress has now eaten the humble pie.

Pierra Makena is actually very lenient to Mishi Dorah. The sultry DJ is not seeking compensation for damage caused by Mishi Dorah’s defamation.

All Pierra wants from Mishi Dorah is a written apology within 7 days. She served Mishi with the letter from her legal team that stated her ultimatums.

Also read: Things get thick for Mishi Dorah as Pierra Makena’s legal team demands an apology in 7 days

I’ve never been this crashed in my life

Mishi Dorah indirectly apologized to Pierra Makena in a post on Instagram. The actress didn’t mention Pierra’s name but earnestly asked for forgiveness for all her indiscretions.

She says the death of her father was punishment enough for her. Mishi Dorah lost her father at the same time she was embroiled in a scuffle with Pierra Makena.

“So I’m here writing this while in tears…. I know I’ve wronged so many people.. but if you keen enough then you’d know that I never go looking for trouble.. trouble always finds me… I always talk of what i know.. not a reported speech…i’m a cast in a reality tv show… meaning everything that is being aired there is reality… but hey, I also I have a life away from all the cameras… I’ve just lost someone very dear to me.. my dad.. and he is never gonna come back to me.. I’m mourning this man with everything in me…. I’ve never been this crashed in my life apart from also seeing my daughter sometime back almost dead.. I beg you to let me mourn in peace… you have any personal problem with me then deal with me.. coz as a human being i belive that i have my shortcomings, thus not making imperfect ….but please respect my dead old man… if he was a live then it’s understandable…. curse me all you want coz of what I did during the reunion but kindly do let the dead be…. I’m actually at your mercy at this point…if me saying sorry will make you’ll help me wish him well.. then I’M SORRY… Yes.. that’s how much I love him and miss him already,” wrote Mishi Dorah


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Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere
