
Harmonize denies wanting to get back with mzungu wife

A few day’s ago singer Harmonize issued a heartfelt apology to his mzungu wife; months after he walked out on her after falling out of love, 4 years later.

Harmonize and fiancée Sarah

This move not only painted Harmonize bad but it also pushed away some of his fans; (females) who couldn’t help but pity Sarah who was left high and dry by the singer.

Harmonize also moved on a-bit too fast, another obvious reason that confirmed Sarah wasn’t the only one; and after a year of choosing a free life – the singer recently decided to apologize to his wife following his mistakes.

In his post, Harmonize wrote;

SORRY & SORRY & SORRY ???????? I’m sorry is the only Word I can use to the one of Beautiful Woman ???? Alienipatia Miaka (4) Ya maisha Yake Nami Nikampatia (4) Yangu Tulipitia Mengi Ila itoshe Kusema Nilizingua Sanaa ..!!! Mpaka Mungu Alipoamua Kuniletea Mtoto Wangu wa Kwanza @zuuh_konde Na Ndo Ikawa Mwisho Wa Safari Yetu Ya Pamoja Yeesss KUTELEZA KUNATOKEA Naa Muungwana Huomba Radhi ???? ila Ningeonekana Mjinga Zaidi Ningeendelea Kumficha Mtoto Wangu …..!!! LOVE & RESPECT ???? AND THIS ONE IS FOR YOU


We’re never getting back together

Well, with such a heartfelt post most fans felt that Harmonize was now back to his senses and was ready to get back to his wife.

However turns out that the post was just an apology and not request for his wife to come back. He brushed off these rumors through his IG story where he wrote;

Sihitaji mahusiano mapya wala ya zamani. I just made things clear, and to appreciate the woman who was there for me tukapitia mengi, kuachana sio vita. Single 4 ever ????

About this writer:

Pauline Syombua

Content Developer IG: Kermbua
