
Hamisa Mobetto’s baby daddy Majizzo writes a letter to jailed Elizabeth Michael Lulu

Elizebeth Michael ‘Lulu’ was sentenced to two years in prison in November 2017. The beautiful Tanzanian actress was found guilty of unintentionally killing Steven Kanumba.

Hamisa Mobetto’s baby daddy Majizzo has written an open later to Lulu in prison. For starters, Majizzo is the father of Mobetto’s eldest daughter.

Majizzo with Hamisa Mobetto

Majizzo is currently in a relationship with Elizabeth Lulu. The E-FM owner has been silent for the last four months Elizabeth has spent in prison.

Stay strong

Majizzo decided to write an open letter to Elizabeth Lulu on International Women’s Day. He encourages his sweetheart to stay as she serves her two year jail term.

“In life, all people may probably be necessary. Very useful if everything goes right or wrong. You are very important because you can be strong in all situations. Happy Women’s Day #utakujaisomaOneday,” wrote Majizzo.

Majizzo and Elizabeth Michael Lulu


About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere
