
Hamisa Mobetto debuts as a singer, drops her first single ‘Madam Hero’ (Video)

Hamisa Mobetto is a fashionista, a video vixen and now a singer. The mother of two has released her first song which is a solo recording.

Hamisa’s song ‘Madam Hero’ is a reflection of her own life experience. She says has recorded several songs under her foundation which advocates for women’s rights.

“I have been through a lot kusema kweli ??!!! …. lakin pia sina wa Kumlaumu wala haja ya kulalamika kwasababu kila mtu ana opinion yake kwenye situation yangu na hakuna anaeujua ukweli zaid ya mie Muhusika mwenyewe……But naamini katika kuipa tabasamu , jamii inayonizunguka , wamama wanaonizunguka na wadada wanaonizunguka !! Sikupanga Njia yangu iwee hii but Naona mwenyezi Mungu anasababu zake !!! I hope mtaupokea wimbo wangu huu wa Madam Hero ambao ni moja ya Nyimbo za Kwenye Foundition yangu ya @themobettofoundation kama Nguvu ya kupambana , kutokukata tamaa na kuangalia mbele kwa kila mwanamke aliyechaguliwa kupitia barabara kama yangu ???,” wrote Hamisa Mobetto.


Hamisa says she will soon upload her song on music streaming apps and that all revenues generated from the song will go directly to the women her foundation helps.

“Nyimbo hii nlirecord mwaka jana kwenye studio ya @c9kanjenje @c9records  Chini ya Tizi na Usimamizi wa @fobyofficial ….. Soon nitaachia kwenye moja ya Apps ya Muziki na kila pesa itakayopatikana kutoka kwenye manunuzi ya Nyimbo hii a Madam Hero itawaendea Wamama wanaolea watoto katika maisha magumu Au wanaujifungua Katika Hali Ngumu… In shaa Allah ?? #MadamHero ….. soon In God We Trust ❤✅”

Listen to the song in the video below:



About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere
