
Hamisa Mobetto Celebrates Diamond Plantumz’s Son On Turning 6 Years

Having a kid that she had with Diamond Platnumz, Hamisa Mobetto is enjoying the birth of her second child. Dylan Abdul will be six years old soon.

Mobetto has commended her son for being great, promised her a solid education, and predicted that he will one day play a significant role in the world.

Kuja Kwako Kumenifunza Vingi Na Kumenibadilisha Vingi Pia, Ahsante Kwa Kuendelea Kunifanya Kuwa Mama Wa Kipekee Kwako, Kila Nikuonapo Ukiwa Na Tabasamu Hunifanya Nijione Mwenye Bahati Kuwa Nawe. Umenipa Amani Pale Napokuwa Na Wasiwasi, Umenipa Furaha Pale Napokuwa Na Huzuni, Zaidi Ya Yote Umenifanya Niwe Bora Si Kwako Tu Bali Hata Kwa Dada Yako.”

Adding “Endelea Kukua Kwenye Njia Iliyonyooka, Ninakuahidi Malezi Bora Na Kwa Baraka Za Mungu Utakuja Kuwa Mtu Ambaye Dunia Itajivunia Siku Moja.Thank You For Being An Amazing Son. Happy Birthday Dylan.”

(Thank you for continuing to make me a special mother to you. Every time I see you with a grin, it makes me feel fortunate to be with you. Your birth taught me a lot and changed me too. Keep improving because you have helped me feel better for both your sister and yourself. You have brought me joy when I am sad and calm when I am anxious.

About this writer:

Dennis Elnino

Content Developer Email: [email protected]
