
“Guard your heart with a double-edged sword” Anerlisa Muigai cryptic message confirming marriage is over?

Image: Ex husband cum lover Ben Pol

Anerlisa Muigai is rumored to have parted ways with her husband, Ben Pol barely 6 months after their grand wedding in Dar Es Salaam.

According to reports, Anerlisa and her Bongo husband parted ways a while back; and right after her husband’s live session on IG – things seem to have moved to the worst!

For this reason Anerlisa has been sharing crypted messages on social media and her latest post talks about self love, respect and the ability to make personal decisions. She wrote;

Also read:

If every problem in your life is “ somebody else’s fault “ you need to take a good look in the mirror sooner than later.

You’re in control

She went on to advise her following to always stay in control of their life choices and emotions since it’s always sweeter to be in the drivers seat controlling your own life.

Also read:

You may not have control over what other people do ( and that’s irrelevant really ) but how you allow that to affect and influence your life choices and emotions is 100% your responsibility. Life becomes much sweeter when you’re in the driving seat of your own life. Out of you flows the outwards pictures and experiences of your life. Guard your heart with a double-edged sword… ⚔️

Not quite sure whether she wanted to hint about her husband trying to control her; but chances are, that this could be a money issue.

About this writer:

Pauline Syombua

Content Developer IG: Kermbua
