All grown up! Baha looking fine and handsome in new photos
Image: BahaIt was just the other day we saw Baha as a young boy but the years seem to have passed by so fast that he now looks like a fine young man doing wonders with his acting career.
So far Baha is among the best actors under the age of 20 years. He has been featured in a couple of movies and now Kamau Mbaya or Baha as he popularly known is an actor on Kenya number one children comedy Machachari that is aired on Citizen TV.
Being in school has not slowed his career down as he continues to wow many through the Machachari show. Anyway, I recently bumped into a few of his photos and from what I have seen the fella has matured into a fine young man and the ladies in his age bracket cannot get enough of him.
Baha is now all grown up has grown up into a handsome young man and there is no doubt that adolescent is favoring him. Well, if thought you are not aging then let these of him remind you of how time is moving fast.