
Governor Alfred Mutua shares adorable moment with his 12 year old daughter

Since the day Lilian Nganga dumped Alfred Mutua, it appears that the Machakos Governor has a lot of time in his hands. Which of course is a good thing, especially now that he has time to spend with his 3 kids.

Well unlike before when the Governor kept his family on the low due to his status; seems like he is slowly introducing his first family to his social media – well hoping this will keep fans occupied and not mocking him for being dumped.

Also read: Juliani Explains Qualities Of Lillian Ng’ang’a That Made Him Fall In Love With Her (Video)

To prove my point, the Governor recently opened up about his 3 kids that most people knew nothing about. From the information shared on his Instagram page, we understand that Mutua has twins (12 year old boy and girl) and his eldest son.

Opening up about them for the first time, the Governor wrote;

Governor Mutua

Yesterday, I asked my 12 year-old daughter, C, which photo I should post from several photos. She gave me detailed explanations of each photo, pointing out nuances and things I had not seen and eventually chose this one.

Also read: Lilian Ng’ang’a head over heels in love with Juliani (Photo)

Also couldn’t help but notice how excited he was to realize that he has something in common with his two boys as he went on to add;

Her twin brother and older brother, just like me, thought all the photos looked the same and were all Ok. My daughter was right.

Lonely after breakup

Judging from his latest posts, it’s obvious to see that Mutua is still struggling to adjust to his new life; while his ex seems to have already settled down with new lover.

But again, ni life the Governor will soon find a replacement (that is if his first wife already remarried😉 but judging from the drama they had back in 2014 – I guess there’s no love left to share between Alfred and Josephine.

About this writer:

Pauline Syombua

Content Developer IG: Kermbua
