
Government Set To Build Memorial Where Shakahola Massacre Happened

The Kenyan government has announced a two-pronged approach to address the horrific Shakahola massacre

Memorial Construction

 A memorial will be built on Chakama Ranch, the site of the tragedy, to serve as a permanent reminder of the victims and the atrocities committed.

“The Government will acquire parts of the Chakama Ranch where the main suspect carried out his atrocious crimes on the people of Kenya and build a memorial to remind us of what happened in perpetuity.”

Official Accountability

 Public officials who failed to prevent the massacre, in any way, will be held accountable. This process will begin once a court injunction is lifted, allowing a presidential commission of inquiry to proceed.

“Once the Courts lift the prevailing injunction, the accountability of public officials who contributed to the occurrence of Shakahola atrocities in whatever manner will ensue through the Commission of Inquiry appointed by the President,” Kindiki added.

He also put on notice land fraudsters and criminal gangs encroaching on public land, especially in the coastal region.

“Land fraud, illegal encroachment on private and public land, criminal gangs, the sale and consumption of illicit alcohol, narcotic drugs, and psychotropic substances and poor transition of children into secondary school are the key security and enforcement priorities in Kilifi County,” Kindiki added.

The government has begun releasing bodies of the victims for burial.Officials are conducting a final check at the Shakahola Forest to ensure proper closure of the exhumation sites.

About this writer:

Dennis Elnino

Content Developer Email: [email protected]
