
Government Doesn’t Care About Us, Let’s Buy Kenyan Products And Jumpstart Our Economy- Tedd Josiah

Most SMEs have suffered a lot during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the government is not doing enough to ensure people have something on their plate. It’s evident that it’s now every man for themselves. After the lockdown, businesses have suffered immensely, and the economy has become harder than usual.

Kenyan music producer Tedd Josiah has come out to stress on this issue. After 4 weeks of feeling unwell, he has come out to reveal what really gave him illness. The single dad of one has been in business for a while, selling designer bags. He has employed single parents in his company.

Tedd’s Business Causing Him A Health Problem

After COVID-19 struck, seems like his business has not been doing that good.He says that this partly contributed to him getting sick. At first, he thought he had Coronavirus, but it was his blood pressure that went up.

The 51 year old has now urged Kenyans to support each other by buying Kenyan products during this pandemic, since the government doesn’t care about survival of businesses. Posting a video on his Instagram, he said,

”…Buy Kenyan products through this pandemic. By buying these Kenyan products, you are feeding Kenyan families… And there’s nothing more important than for us to be able to feed Kenyan families no matter what. Because if we don’t feed ourselves, a lot of people end up being in very bad situations. What we need right now is to believe in ourselves enough to buy our own products and jump start this economy back to life. Government is not going to support us in this. They don’t care about the SMEs…”

Tedd Josiah makes sense, it’s high time we support each other during this pandemic. If we wait for the government, we’ll definitely suffer.

About this writer:

Dennis Elnino

Content Developer Email: [email protected]
