
Gold diggers to bite the dust after court declares no 50-50 wealth share after divorce 

Lazy Kenyan women who have always used marriages as away to enrich themselves are now in trouble after The High Court of Kenya on Monday, May 14, threw out a petition seeking to have spouses share matrimonial property on a 50/50 basis in the event of a divorce.

Only what a spouse has contributed to the marriage – be it the wife or the husband – will walk away with upon divorce after the High Court ruling.

Gold diggers nightmare

Women have been accused of using men for personal gains whereby they marry them and later divorce them, walking away with half their property.

“The beneficial share of each spouse as the law on the division of matrimonial property stands in Kenya ultimately depends on the parties’ proven respective proportions of the financial contributions either direct or indirect towards the acquisition of the property,” said judge Justice John Mativo. 

The Federation of Women lawyer (Fida) is not happy with the ruling and has promised to challenge it calling it unfair discrimination against women.

“Many times a spouse who is not contributing financially is normally the spouse who is contributing indirectly in form of taking care of children, estates, properties and love.” said John Chigiti.  

About this writer:

Pauline Syombua

Content Developer IG: Kermbua
