Genge artist Mejja hints at relationship troubles
Image: Illest Genge rapper MejjaGenge artist Mejja has hinted that his relationship of close to 2 years might be in trouble. Speaking with various online media, the artist implied that his partner might be unfaithful when asked how the relationship was fairing on.
When asked about his relationship, Mejja responded with a chuckle and a sigh, saying that he “needs to go to therapy” about it. When asked if his partner was still around, he replied that she was, but that things were “complicated.”
He went on to say that he believes that a woman is only yours when you are with her, and that you can’t really know if she’s yours until you’ve been together for 5 or 10 years. He compared this to Uhuru Park, which is technically public property but is still considered to be “owned” by the people who use it regularly.
“Heh! Uhm hiyo sector, ndio nataka kuenda therapy… Your girlfriend is only yours when you are with her.
Mimi husema hivi, mpaka ukae na dame miaka tano au kumi hivi ndio unaweza kuja hapa usema ni wako. Lakini manzi ni wako akiwa kwako, akitoka nje ni mali ya uma.Sasa ni kama kuniuliza kama Uhuru Park ni yangu, si ni ya uma?
Hadi upate title deed ndio unaweza sema Uhuru Park ni yako but until then ni mali ya uma. Lazima ukumbuke manzi ni wako akiwa kwako, akitoka nje tu hivi ni mali ya uma, lazima mpige na yeye miaka kadhaa hivi ndio ujue ni wako.”
In a different interview 7 months ago, Mejja said that he wasn’t sure if he would end up marrying his current girlfriend, saying that “Kanairo Dating” is not easy and that you can’t know what will happen. However, he also said that he loved her very much.
It is unclear what the future holds for Mejja’s relationship, but his comments suggest that things are not as rosy as they once were.