
GBV reactions: feminists claims of gender equality are a lie

Maxine Wahome is a name Kenyans have woken up to its inclusion in the new cycle after she was not only accused of gender-based violence (GBV) against her boyfriend but at one point in time rumours were circulating that he had succumbed to his stab wounds while in the ICU.

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While that news is regrettable, what most Kenyan men have begun to focus on is the hoax that is feminism. You see Kenyan feminists will argue that their movement is needed by both men and women as it seeks to better the plight of both genders while simultaneously fighting a cake customs and cultures that are arguably misogynistic.

However, the silence surrounding the deleterious circumstances in which Maxine Wahome barbie signs her name in the headlines is something that cannot be ignored as it directly flies in the face of most feminists’ arguments.

This harkens us to the time when Shafi wear while on the radio made a joke about a Circumstance in which a jilted lover had pushed his girlfriend off a storied building causing her to fall and break all her bones. At the time of that event, most corporates call his employer and demanded his immediate termination which was carried out at 1 AM In the morning.

Most who are unaware of Maxine do not know that she is a rally driver who participated in the Kenyan leg of the World Rally Championships (WRC) earlier in the year. And she got a lot of Kenyan corporate sponsors some of which are the biggest companies in East and Central Africa. Ironically most of these are the same companies that were baying for Shaffie Weru’s blood following his joke.

So why the silence when the genders are reversed? Where are the same rabbit feminists who were quick to ask for his head on a silver platter? Unless of course, Kenyan feminists are misandrists who relish in the news that an innocent man has been stabbed and is currently fighting for his life in the ICU.

Maxine Wahome in court for domestic violence

Because in truth when speaking about gender-based the Kenyan government egged on by rabid feminists, only seems to focus on GBV that targets women. Yet International Studies carried out for over half a century indicate that GBV occurs at a 50/50 sort of ratio between both genders. And this is known as Gender Symmetry in Intimate Partner Violence.


And given Ayn Rand’s argument of enlightened selfishness, I find myself struggling to answer the question of why men should care whenever discussing feminism if that very movement concerns itself with the plight of neither boys nor men.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
