
From Sh900k Watch to Sh20k Ties – Murkomen Lists Pricey Possessions

Transport CS Kipchumba Murkomen has revealed his ownership of several expensive items, addressing the public’s fascination with his luxurious possessions.

The CS, who has been under scrutiny for allegedly owning highly expensive items, clarified on Monday that some of the public’s estimates regarding his shoes and watch are exaggerated. However, Murkomen did acknowledge owning some of the priciest timepieces, including one worth Sh900,000.


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“The watch I wear is very expensive, to be honest. But it is not worth what people are speculating on social media. It was sold to me by a friend,” Murkomen said in an interview with Obinna TV.

“There are two watches that went viral on social media. The first one I bought was not as expensive as they claimed. The second one, a friend who saw the buzz on social media offered to sell me a Rolex at a third of the speculated price. He even allowed me to pay in installments.”

Murkomen also revealed that his most expensive shoes range between Sh70,000 and Sh80,000. Additionally, he owns a belt priced between Sh40,000 and Sh50,000.

“I don’t need two belts in two years; one quality belt is enough. Just buy one belt for Sh50,000 that is reversible with black and brown sides,” he said.

Regarding ties, Murkomen mentioned his collection ranges from Sh15,000 to Sh20,000 each.


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“In life, there are vanity items that you end up buying,” he remarked.

The CS acknowledged receiving concerns from Kenyans questioning his penchant for expensive items. He vowed to curb his luxurious spending to ensure he remains focused on his key responsibilities and accountable to the people he serves.

“I appreciate the comments from Kenyans questioning my expensive watches and shoes. It’s true, had I invested in the money markets to buy bonds, it might have earned interest,” he said.

“I want to tell all Kenyans who criticized me for wearing those watches that it is my weakness, and I am willing to correct myself. If a watch or shoe is going to distract the people I serve from the important tasks I must be accountable for, I have told my friends that the watches can stay.”

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
