Free food!!! Harmonize’s new restaurant to offer free food to the less fortunate
Singer Harmonize is making money moves just a few weeks after leaving WCB!
So far we have seen him performing for the president and on Tuesday, Harmonize aka KondeBoy announced that he was planning on launching his own Restaurant that will be offering free food to the less fortunate in the society.

In his post shared on Instagram page, Konde boy promised to provide food for those living on the streets with no hope of getting any meals due to life struggles.
Free…!!! free…!!! food Bure..!!!! Coming on your street in few days. Mana Kunawatu Wanajua Ni Biashara Yani Jeshi Atauza Walii…!!!! Mtamuuwa na pressure Dada Yangu Kipenzi @officialshilole. Hii Itakuwa Ni Bure…..!!!! Kabisa Kwa Wanangu Wa Mtaani Ambao Bado Mambo Yao Hajakaa Kwenye Line Sisi Sote Ni Wa Mungu Mmoja Sitokula Na Kusaza #Tutagawana. THE UNITED STATE OF KONDEGANG ONE LOVE #KONDEBOYMGAHAWA”
Konde boy Mgahawa
From the posts shared on his Instagram page, it seems that Konde boy bought a movable restaurant “Konde Boy Mgahawa” that will be delivering the free food to those who need it. He captioned the post saying;

Kidogo na Kingi Mungu Ndie hutoa …!!! Nayeye Ndie Kamuumba Masikini na Tajiri…!!!! Hata hapa Nilipo ni kwaneema Zake Sitokula na Kusaza ikiwa kunawengine Kula Yao Ni Yashida #NitagawanaNao …!!! #KONDEBOYMGAHAWA coming on your street in few days ONE LOVE Woow….!!