
Four Firearms Stolen from Police Station in Wajir County

Police in Griftu, Wajir County, are investigating the theft of four firearms from a local police station. The firearms, which include a G3 rifle, two AK-47 rifles, and an additional AK-47 rifle, were discovered missing from the station’s armory on July 7, 2023.

In addition to the firearms, 90 rounds of ammunition were also missing. The armory was not broken into, leading police to believe that the firearms were stolen by someone with access to the station.

The Officer Commanding Station (OCS) at Griftu Police Station has been arrested in connection with the theft. He is being held in police custody while the investigation continues.

The theft of the firearms comes at a time when the country is facing an upsurge in attacks by the militia group Al Shabaab. On July 6, 2023, ten police officers were injured in an ambush carried out by suspected Al Shabaab militants in Mandera County.

A month ago, four people were arrested in Garissa County for possessing deadly weapons. The four men were found in possession of an assortment of weapons, including AK-47 rifles, G3 rifles, and pistols.

The theft of the firearms from Griftu Police Station is a serious security concern. The weapons could be used by criminals or terrorists to carry out attacks. Police are urging anyone with information about the theft to come forward.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
