
Former Tahidi High Actress turned influencer, Gloria Moraa in court because pet dog bites neighbour’s daughter

Gloria Moraa, an actress, is in trouble after her dog bit a neighbor’s four-year-old child three months ago in the Nairobi neighborhood of Embakasi. The former Taahidi High actress is defending herself against accusations of causing hurt in violation of section 243(d) of the Penal Code and acting recklessly and negligently.

In order to have the action against her dropped, the media personality might be required to pay the mother of the child’s hospital bill in excess of Sh150,000.

Moraa, who is also a well-known social media influencer, is charged with being so careless as to put the life of AMA, a 4-year-old kid, in danger on July 30, 2023 by neglecting to take safeguards against a dog that was likely to be a threat to her.

The youngster was playing outside their home with other kids when her mother went to call her because she wanted to go with her, according to testimony given in court. Ms. Moraa’s dog exited her property and chased the minor before biting her on the leg just behind the knee. This happened just before the minor’s mother arrived where she was playing.

She was bleeding when she was taken to a neighboring hospital. Before she arrived at the hospital, the mother of the youngster called Ms Moraa to inquire about the status of the dog’s vaccination, but she was unable to verify whether she had actually taken the dog in for the procedure.

The suspect allegedly continued offering to give the minor’s dog a vaccination certificate, but she allegedly broke her word and vanished.

The media celebrity was located and arrested when the victim’s mother reported the incident to the Embakasi police station. In front of Principal Magistrate Irene Gichobi of the Makadara Law Courts, she refuted the accusations.

She was freed after posting a Ksh10,000 cash bond. Before the hearing begins on February 20, 2024, the case will be discussed on November 16, 2023. Along with a doctor who treated the infant at the hospital and a police officer who looked into the issue, the mother of the child is named as the case’s primary witness.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
