
For the first time, Kamene Goro gives girls great advice

Image: Ms Kamene Goro

Kamene Goro spoke about a rather interesting subject matter and I have to say that for once, she and I are on the same page and I love to see that an adult woman is advising women on so pertinent a subject matter.

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Where to begin? Before I even start by telling you what she said, allow me to paint the scene. Kenyan and especially Nairobi girls are notorious for their emphasis on material possessions and money over any other factor when it comes to choosing a man.

Kamene Goro
Kamene Goro had some words of wisdom

You see, Kenya is a third world country and as a result, we have shithole realities and with the way Uhuru Kenyatta’s government has mismanaged the economy, we are in a reality in which a lot of women have decided to use their bodies as currency in exchange for what is currently popularly referred to as “soft life”.

Wanawake Mjitegemee- ”Men Don’t Respect Women Who Can’t Hold Their Own” Kamene Goro

And Kamene Goro is intimately aware of this so she spoke about the matter and what being a real independent woman means. No, it doesn’t mean what your favourite “boss babe” socialite has deluded you into thinking, it actually means working for your own.

Kamene Goro showing off

Speaking to her co-host Jalang’o on her morning show on Kiss 100, Kamene Goro extolled the virtues of actually having your own money as a young woman so you do not have to ask a man for anything and end up in a potentially dangerous situation.


her idea is exactly what every young girl needs to be told by her parents. At the end of the day, evil men exist and oftentimes, they use the allure of financial gain allows these guys to entirely put these girls at their whims. And while we can talk about willing buyer, willing seller because they are now using their bodies as commodities in the buyer’s market,, Kamene Goro is advocating for an elevated female.

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This is a novel idea in a time when most ladies are out to finesse the men they are involved with. It also explains why we are seeing more and more ladis going out to clubs and nursing one soda the entire night but the minute they are approached they sprout “taste”.

Kamene Goro
Kamene Goro

Kamene Goro is also talking to the women who cannot afford to maintain their hair unless bae sends them some money yet when they are social media they push the illusion that they are boss babes.

When all things are said and done, the idea should be for these girls to get their own and when they find a man who wants to settle down with them they do not come with buggage from the damage they had to endure chasing after men who saw them as little else than meat to be enjoyed after they had paid the asking price. They shouldn’t have to take on unnecessary damage and should be able and willing to focus on raising their children together and helping their man build an empire and legacy.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
