
Flexible Airtel serves a clear knock-out to rigid Safaricom in the competitive tariff war!

Airtel has released a new voice and data tariff that should have you scrambling to join up, if you’re still in the cold. An elementary comparison between the tariffs offered by Airtel against those of their closest competitor Safaricom, will leave you slapping your own forehead in disbelief. It begs some self-examination:

Why on earth are we NOT on the Airtel network?

First, some vital basics. You are sure of actually getting everything you pay for on Airtel, unlike Safaricom. A rock-solid reputation of honesty. If you purchase 100mb, you deserve to actually get 100mbs. An average Kenyan is on the receiving end of human and corporate scams, it’s a refreshing thought to know you can #BeSureNaAirtel.

Let’s see who has a bigger heart:

  1. Voice Call Rate

Safaricom – 4 bob per minute, including taxes.

Airtel – 2 bob per minute, including taxes.

No prizes here for guessing which network is a better choice for your already-tight budget.

  1. Data Browsing

Airtel has a flat rate of 1 bob for 5mbs – irrespective of amount a subscriber spends.

Safaricom – less than 10 bob gives you 2mbs at 1 bob

10 – 50 bob gives you 3.5mbs at 1 bob (They even sell half MBs, how odd is that?)

50 bob plus – gives you 5mbs at 1 bob

The low-end user on Safaricom network with limited purchasing ability beyond 50 bob bears the                     brunt on Safaricom network.  Again, Airtel wins on this level as being friendly to a subscriber on the far end of the economic food chain.

  1. Subscription Procedures

Airtel – No need to purchase a bundle. Once you load airtime, just dial *544*2#.

Safaricom – Needs to manually subscribe for a Voice or Data bundle every time airtime is loaded.

One of the best features with the Airtel tariff is that it doesn’t expire. It’s a lifetime offer. For people with a busy lifestyle, it’s both convenient and time saving. Just load airtime and start your business – call or browse direct from your airtime. No hidden charges or conditions whatsoever.

Safaricom network, however, is still as rigid and conditional as ever. Each time one loads airtime, one has to pause and figure out which of the tariffs to subscribe. It’s bothersome and time-consuming to keep subscribing. In frequent cases some users are not conversant with the endless procedures, or forget in the thick of business, they end up spending more credit than they planned for.

It’s not hyperbole. On all fronts, Airtel is the network that’s user-friendly and in touch with the woes of an average Kenyan contending with the end effects of a slow economy.

It’s time you get smarter. This tariff rate on Airtel is available for new and existing users.

Get an Airtel line (if you are still not using Airtel) and enjoy the best rates. There’s no conditions. No complicated bundle purchase procedures – just browse directly or call from your credit/airtime. This tariff is applicable for Lifetime, No Expiry!

Just Dial *544*2#.

It doesn’t have to cost an arm to follow threads, view and share memes, video-chat with distant friends. Airtel has you covered.


About this writer:

Kibaki Muthamia

Storyteller. SEO & UX Expert. Scriptwriter. CVs & Resumes. Biographies. [email protected]
