Flashback Friday: Breathtaking photo of DJ Mo and Size 8’s daughter when she was barely a week old
Image: Size 8 with baby LadashabelleThe Muraya family must be happy to have been blessed with one beautiful daughter who has changed their entire life and if anything – tamed her parents (in a good way that is).
About two years ago Size 8 welcomed her 1st child with DJ Mo but like most celebrities she chose to keep her baby off the public eye for privacy reason. On the same day the baby was born, the gospel singer sadly lost her mother but all in all is grateful as this was just another blessing in the bad times.

Her fans however got to meet or rather see baby Ladashabelle after a few weeks and since then the young girl has become a favorite to many.
Ladashabelle looks like a very calm baby but also playful judging from the videos shared on her gram. Awayy from that, I happened to bump into a never before seen photo of the baby girl when she was barely a week old.
She is undeniably a beautiful to look and the photo below will prove this.