
Finally Jimmy Gait hits back at the trolls and memes in one classic knockout. Genius!

After months of a relentless character-assassinating campaign, that has seen him reduced to a social media laughing stock and seen his past work and musical efforts widely meme-fied, the original King of the Gospel industry has now come back to address the trolls – and SHUT them down.

For months now, Jimmy Gait has become some sort of Kenya’s version of the Michael Jordan Crying Meme which has been immortalized with all manner of sad situation memes for years now.

Just after he released his single YESU NDIYE SPONSOR, Jimmy was dragged down a dark, malevolent road that trashed and turned all of his projects into a joke – literally.

From Facebook to Twitter to Instagram, users have become acclimatized with a false poster announcing Jimmy Gait’s next song – only that, it has been modeled from a recent disaster. And was most likely done by some malicious, nasty troll curled up behind a keyboard.

It’s been funny.  Especially to Jimmy himself, one of the most accomplished and revolutionary Gospel stars in Kenya, and who has been laughing his heart out to every new meme that hits the market and even sharing it on his Social Media profiles.

From Binguni Hakuna Nominations to Yesu Patia Shetani Blue Ticks, Maombi Tibim to Kula Verse Kwa Macho, Twitter trolls have pretty much exhausted all there is to do or say about Jimmy Gait.

But now, he’s come back to address the trolls  ….in a song!

Titled LOVE, Jimmy not-surprisingly showers LOVE to all of his detractors and sends them LOVE even in the face of adversity and ridicule to everyone’s surprise.

His unmistakably exemplary vocals stand out in this Afro-pop jam that immediately hooks you by the second verse.

In the song, masterfully done and crafted with the finesse of a guru, the singing icon explores his past relationship with social media trolls, addresses the genesis of the distasteful memes, calls out the meme creators and yet, still finds it in his heart to forgive them and send them LOVE. Pure genius.

What will capture you most is the music video – a lavishly done, colorful piece of magnificent HD art that dazzles and captivates with every shot.

And also some of the hilarious viral Jimmy Gait memes that the video editor so cleverly sneaks into the final clip – eliciting a loud round of laughter.

There’s so much we can say for now, but we shall pen off for this while…And let you enjoy the creative masterpiece for what it is. Mind = Blown. watch the video below:

About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere
