Finally! Diamond fulfills his promise to 500 afflicted families (Video)
Just like he promised – despite the trolls – Diamond Platnumz has made sure his dream and promise have come to be.
25th April, the Bongo Flava artist had promised to pay 3-months rent for 500 families in the wake of the lethal Coronavirus.
I have decided to atleast offer a helping hand by paying 3 Months house rent to 500 families. As my kind gesture of helping one another during these terrible times of fighting COVID-19. For I believe i should share your troubles and your happiness too.
He believed this would at least help out a couple of Tanzanians to feed their families during these troubled times as well as put a smile on their faces.
First phase
On the 5th of May, the WCB founder fulfilled his promise by single-handedly delivering the first phase of rent to 57 out of the target 500 families.
Also read :
In a series of pictures uploaded by Mama Dangote on Instagram, the lad is seen handing out several envelopes which we believe have the needed cash for rent, to different women.

The superstar’s mother went ahead to reveal that the procedures are still ongoing and that his target audience is majorly the vulnerable at this time.
IFAHAMIKE YA KWAMBA WAHUSIKA WAKUU NI WALEMAVU,WAJANE NA WASIOJIWEZA KABISA. (It should be noted that key victims are the physically challenged, widows and the poorest of the poor)
Diamond’s visit
From his end, Naseeb shared a short clip of one of his visits to an affected family alongside his Wasafi troop and his security.

This he cited was part of his campaign to support the most affected.
However, Chibu highlighted that for one Bwana Keston John, he paid up 6-months rent.
As I continue to extend a helping hand to the needy amongst us, today (sic) I visited Mr Keston John who resides in Tabata. He lost both his legs during a train accident… and I gave him 6-months rent in order to also aid him during this time of Ramadhan.

Moja ya vitu ambavyo alinisihi ni kuwa akipata Bajaji itamsaidia kujikwamua kwa mahitaji ya hapa na pale. Maana ana mke na mtoto… Inshaallah Panapo majaaliwa nalo pia tutamfanikishia????????
This comes days after Zari called him out for helping strangers while he is ignorant about his very own young kids – Tiffah and Nillan.
Sandrah Kassim expressed deep gratitude to his son for his kindness and generosity by sharing the little he had to those most affected.