
Fans tear at how TikTok star Ajib Gathoni looks without makeup

Ajib Gathoni for the longest time has been the talk of the town because she is a beauty who took over tik-tok in fact it wouldn’t be far-fetched to say that her beauty is the reason why she was able to dominate social media. Every Kenyan man wants to get with her and every Kenyan woman wants to look like her.

A fan of hers recently posted a video that featured her without her normal makeup on and the disparity in looks between how she does on social media with her filters on plus the makeup versus how she looks in real life is just jarring. The word catfish comes to mind and Kenyan fans made the connection to that very adjective.

Check out the video of Ajib Gathoni chilling without any makeup on below. Do you think she over-utilizes filters and makeup for her photos or do you think the haters are just getting at her?

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
