
Fans demand to know Ben Pol’s alimony from Anerlisa Muigai

Image: Ben Pol

Ben Pol was one of the many celebrities who decided to weigh in and give his thoughts on how Achraf Hakimi, PSG’s star player handled his divorce and protected his assets. But boy was he not ready for the sharp tongued Tanzanians who decided it was not his place to be taking especially since he was simping and has a history of simping for his ex, Anerlisa Muigai.

3 lessons we learn from Ben Pol and Anerlisa Muigai’s divorce

Ben Pol had been married to Anerlisa Muigai, a woman who came from a more financially endowed family and one has to wonder whether he too put into practice what he is preaching. Did he get a share of her wealth or did he simply walk away with nothing?

I owe Anerlisa Muigai an apology

Because simps seem to be upset about Achraf protecting his wealth instead of accepting that there is a real reason for him to do so. So they have been virtue signalling and “I would never betray m’lady”-ing all over the timeline.

Singer Ben Pol looking skinny after breakup

Check out what Ben Pol was told after his daft comment:

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
