
Family Raises Complaints During Blame Game at Makanga Bae’s Burial [Video]

The funeral service for Gerald Mwangi, known as Makanga Bae, took a distressing turn on Wednesday, October 23, 2024, as family members publicly accused some organizers of mismanaging funds designated for his farewell.

Mwangi tragically passed away on the night of Thursday, October 10, after suffering injuries from a serious road accident.

As family members gathered to honor him, tensions escalated, with accusations regarding mishandled finances overshadowing the solemn occasion.

During the emotional service, a family member voiced their frustration, stating that Mwangi’s burial did not reflect the dignity they had wished to bestow upon him.

They lamented that what should have been a moment of respect had devolved into an upsetting spectacle.

“Everyone here has wronged us as a family; we didn’t want to bury our brother this way. Look at Gerald, how he’s been laid to rest—this isn’t right,” the family member expressed, conveying their dissatisfaction with the burial arrangements.

They further noted that the contributions made by Gerald’s friends were not adequately represented in the funeral preparations.

According to them, the service was meant to be a grand send-off worthy of Gerald’s legacy.

“We wanted to send Gerald off with honor, but there are issues with the contributions from his friends… it should have felt like paradise because this is Gerald’s final day on earth,” they added.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
