
Ezekiel Mutua urges Kenyans to ignore pastor Ng’ang’a and his wife: It’s an isolated moment of temporary insanity

Kenya Films Classifications Board CEO Ezekiel Mutua is asking Kenyans to ignore Neno evangelism church leader pastor Ng’ang’a after his recent rant.

According to Mutua, the pastor doesn’t represent the true clergy men therefor should not be given any attention.

“There are genuine men of God in Kenya who walk in integrity and preach the truth, but the media will not focus on them. They will have a field day with Pastor Ng’ang’a’s clip. That moment of insanity does not define the church. I know many good pastors who help the poor and conduct themselves with humility and dignity,” said Mutua on Facebook. 


Nganga last week became a trending topic after bashing his pastors who have not been respecting his wife. The clip shocked many Kenyans who were quick to add that that’s not how pastors should talk.

“I am a product of such genuine, spiritual, caring shepherds. They got me from the gutter and gave me hope. There are pastors and Bishops who supported me when I had no title. They saw a future in me when I didn’t even believe in myself. When I was planning my wedding in 1997, Bishop Alois Rutivi of Gospel Assembly Church mobilised the entire church to support us.

“The Bishop and the entire church gave themselves to support our wedding. I was broke like a church mouse and was a junior reporter at the NMG. My mum had been in my house in Githurai for six months critically sick after a snake bite. My fiance was clearing her masters in KU. We had nothing to make Bishop Rutivi and the church be attracted to us. Yet, we were treated with respect and love and the Bishop preached life and blessings to our marriage.

He added:

“He never demanded anything from us even when our fortunes changed. There are many such wonderful men of God. We must celebrate them and refuse the narrative that Pastor Ng’ang’a’s expletives define our church leaders. That said, the clip is unfortunate. It’s an isolated moment of temporary insanity and should be treated as such!”

About this writer:

Pauline Syombua

Content Developer IG: Kermbua
