
Ezekiel Mutua Offers Mustafa Help

MCSK CEO Ezekiel Mutua has also been part of the group that has offered to help legendary musician Mustafa. The rapper, has been undergoing financial constraints silently; but his viral video proved that he’s struggling to make ends meet.

Ezekiel hailed Mustafa for manning up and facing his problems head-on, without necessarily asking for Kenyans to save him.

Ezekiel took to FaceBook to seek his contact; and promised to help him.

”Someone please inbox me Mustafa’s number. I have mad love and respect for people who face life headon and do what a man has got to do to put food on the table. There’s absolutely no shame in taking up a mjengo project to feed yourself and loved ones. Unlike other celebrities, mustafa has refused to wallow in self pity and is not ashamed of his hustle. And by the way, mjengo is not necessarily for failures. It is a job like any other. But it takes courage for a celebrity of the calibre of Mustafa to take to such menial activities with pride. I love the positive attitude. This is the kind to be supported.”

Mustafa was also offered help by Karen Nyamu, among others.

About this writer:

Dennis Elnino

Content Developer Email: [email protected]
