
Exclusive: Moha speaks for the first time after viral video emerged of his alleged father claiming he had neglected him

“They should not dance on my father’s grave, kwa kweli siasa haifanywi hivo!” Those are the first words Moha tells me when I call him in regards to some video doing rounds online of an old man claiming to be his father.

The old man was calling out Moha for allegedly neglecting him and their whole family, abandoning them in some dreadful place somewhere in the confines of Isiolo to rot there.

Together with another woman, who claimed to be his cousin, they asked that Moha go back home and take care of them first before vying for a political seat in a different County.

Check out the video here:

As for Moha, he couldn’t help but laugh about this gimmicks which he alleged are orchestrated by his bitter rival Saido, who is also vying for the Nyali Parliamentary seat.

He urged him to be more creative next time as the people in the video were nowhere close to being his relatives. First of all, his old man passed away in 2007, back when he had just joined the media industry so there was no way that man in the video was his father. He actually shared a photo of his father’s grave in the facebook post below just to assure everyone he was speaking the truth.

Those people again were Somali’s while he himself in Borana, in his full existence only left with the mother and a sister who resides in Greece.

He went further to allege that the people in the video were paid Ksh 50,000 to malign his name and he was aware they were residents of ziwa la ngombe Vietnam, Mombasa.

Sigh! Now that’s when you know politics is not a game for the faint hearted!

Check out his Facebook post:

About this writer:

Irari Ngugi

Lover of life, lover of big boobs and certified celebrity squasher. Catch me if you can on facebook as Irari Ngugi
