
Ex-Laikipia Governor arrested for holding Saba Saba rally

Nderitu Muriithi, a former governor of Laikipia, was detained after traveling to the city to organize Saba Saba demonstrations.

Nderitu is shown in a police car as he gets into a furious argument with the officers in a video that the Star has access to.

Then, he is heard inquiring as to what legislation his presence in Nyahururu Town has violated.

“The question you are not answering as a police officer, what law have we broken for being here?”

They are merely going to chat, a senior cop leading the arrest is heard stating.

“Tunaenda kuongea kwa station” – police officer.

Nderitu was with a female politician at the time.

Azimio decided to organize nationwide protests that were headed by the coalition’s top figures.

About this writer:


My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
