
Evil men defile 9 year old girl, stab her eyes

A 9-year-old girl was seriously injured by a man who violated her, and as a result, she was taken to Homa Bay County Teaching and Referral Hospital. After the incident, the fourth-grader at a private school in Homa Bay town sustained injuries to her rectum and eyes.

According to reports, the child was defiled on Tuesday afternoon at Homa Bay town’s Shauri Yako estate on a sorghum farm by an unidentified guy. Before snatching the child and pulling her into the property, the man had delayed her journey to her grandmother’s house.

After the event, the suspect fled, stabbing and slitting her eyelids with a sharp weapon. After the incident, the girl was found sobbing bitterly, according to her grandmother.

“The girl said the man got hold of her throat to prevent her from making noise. She was forcefully defiled before he stabbed her eyes,”

The girl was also beaten by the man with a blunt weapon in several regions of her body. The grandma claimed to have seen the man vanish into the farm but was unable to place him.

She claimed that upon hearing the voices of ladies racing to save the girl, the man hurried into the farm. According to hospital matron Caroline Adongo, the girl’s cornea—the inner layer of the eye—sustained significant injuries.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
