
Eve Mungai reveals the reason she’s faithful to Director Trevor

With her YouTube channel visitors, the stunning fiancée of comedian Eric Omondi has been sharing a lot about her life.

The blogger opened up about a number of personal concerns in a recent video featuring Mungai Eve, thanks to the new mother. While they put lipstick on one another, the two played a game called “Never have I ever.”

Mungai Eve revealed a lot about herself, including her penis in the pool, wearing her partner’s underpants, and frequenting strip clubs.

Eve was questioned, and one in particular proved to be difficult: was there ever a time when Eve developed a crush on more than one person at once?

“Ai uko sure? Sitaki kujibu. You can have a crush on anyone.”

“Never ever have I ever cheated on someone,” Lynn asked.

“Ai, cheated on someone? Mwenye na date ama? I’m a faithful person. I have never,”

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
