
Ethic are right, their music gets judged heavily by Kenyans

Ethic are one of the biggest new age of performers in the country and they only seem to release hits. Unfortunately, a lot of their recent releases seem to be rubbing their fans, especially women the wrong way.

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More often than not, artists make music that is a reflection of their background and upbringing. As a result, Ethic, for example, will make music that might seem out of place in more refined settings. Music that seems out of touch with “common decency” and sometimes is downright off.


And then, as with Ethic, fans bash the artists both in an attempt to correct their world view but also, increasingly, to virtue signal. So you can imagine that people who have a holier than thou attitude begin bashing an artist for something they grew up seeing as normal. I mean, sure it doesn’t fit into the sensibilities of a more enlightened society but how we approach the subject matter actually matters.

Ethic just keeps getting better and better

And that brings us back to Ethic. Not as an example but as the primary subject. You see, the past few songs they have released have earned them the ire of Kenyans on Twitter. And oftentimes, as they have since pointed out, they earn way more in punitive measures than their contemporaries who release the same music.

ethic entertainment

Sure enough, Ethic are victims of their own success and popularity. the group which first came to the limelight after releasing a rather cheaply produced and taped song, Lamba Lolo which catapulted them to superstardom and began their career. The group, made up of Reckless, Swat (Mtoto wa Eunice), Ceska and Zilla, are often chastised for the lyrics contained in their songs yet we as a society gave a pass to the likes of P-Unit, Nonini, Juacali just to name afew.

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Infact, recently on social media, the group claimed -and rightfully so I believe- that if they had released a song similar to Ochungulo Family’s Benzema aka Alehandro’s Ngwatiology, they would have been forced to apologize.

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Whatever the case may be, Ethic should take this up as a challenge to see whether they can diversify their lyrical content to show versatility. Or you know, they could keep up their tried and tested formula and ignore the haters.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
