
Esther Arunga’s husband pleads guilty of son’s death

At his Kallangur house in Australia’s north-east, Quincy Zuma Wambitta Timberlake pleaded guilty to the manslaughter of his three-year-old son, Sinclair.

Esther Arunga, a former TV star, is wed to Timberlake. On Tuesday, he pleaded guilty to the less serious crime of manslaughter. This week, His was slated to go on trial in the Brisbane Supreme Court.

This plea was accepted by the prosecution, who then dropped the murder accusation. Following this choice, the trial was abandoned.

Despite paramedics’ best efforts in 2014, baby Sinclair unfortunately perished.

Timberlake told the investigators that his son had fallen down the stairs and died after becoming unable to breathe.

Later, Arunga told the authorities that her husband had punched the youngster in the stomach and thrown him against a wall, physically abusing him.

She attempted to mislead the authorities about her husband’s involvement, which resulted in her being found guilty of being an accessory to the boy’s manslaughter.

Due to his belief that his son was controlled by extraterrestrial creatures living in his stomach, the former Kenyan presidential candidate publicly admitted that he was responsible for his son’s death.

It was made known that Timberlake had schizophrenia and psychosis during pre-trial proceedings.

September 29 has been set aside for the sentence.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
