Eric Omondi’s ex, Chantal finally unveils new boyfriend’s face (Photo)
Eric Omondi had a good woman (Chantal) but as far as we know, things did not work out; and the two parted ways after one year of being engaged.

Truth is, fans loved Chantal for Eric Omondi and despite being branded as a snob; her quietness and gentleness always left many feeling warm from the inside. While others claim that she may have linked up with Eric for fame; others feel that her love towards the guy was genuine – but somehow forced.
Unlike most girlfriends, Chantal was not so good at showing some affection towards the comedian. By this we mean that Chantal rarely posted Eric Omondi on her page; and if she did, it was a paid advertisement – call it whatever you want…but that’s the reality.

New man getting the affection
However now that Chantal has moved on and appears to be much in love with her mixed boyfriend; this time around she is acting like a real girlfriend.
So far she has posted several videos hanging out with her new man; but this past weekend, she pulled a move that left many excited. Well, no she did not announce a pregnancy nor an engagement – but she unveiled her boyfriend’s face.
Judging from the post, many claim that he is an upgrade to Eric Omondi – but again; beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder! Anyway below is the photo shared by Chantal…. and boy do they look great together! Now, how about some babies, no?